The Below Survey Results are based on 48 Client Responses to a 2021 Survey of Jay Harry's Clients -- The Questionaire was based on AZ Real Estate Commissioner Judy Lowe's "Comissioners Corner" Artice; "Professionalism... Can you Pass the Test"
- Placing Clients' interest ahead of the Licensee. 5 Stars
- Fiduciary Duty: 5 Stars
- Trustworthy and Respectful: 4.8 Stars
- Organized, Disciplined, Credible: 4.7 Stars
- Compehensive Education, Knowledge, Skills and Experience: 5 Stars
Client References available Upon Request
-Our Client's always Write!
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SOLD by Jay | MAY 2021 | COSTA VERDE | 14577 N. 99th St.
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